Saturday, July 25, 2009

I <3 NY

Aiaiaiaiai! What an incredible start to what I believe is going to be an incredible weekend!; yesterday we went to "the Big Apple"! We woke up early and got on a bus which drove us over from Pennsylvania, across the Delaware river, and New Jersey, and finally brought us to New York!

Our first stop was the United Nations, where we had a very informative guided tour. Mats and I even took a picture with the first Secretary-General of the United Nations - Trygve Lie! (Did you know he was Norwegian?) We also took a picture with Ban-Ki Moon. :) Sadly, neither being the actual person, but nevertheless both pictures should be up later, with many more!

Afterwards the group divided and conquered the rest of New York (with good reason too; had we tried to see New York as a group of 24 people I can guarantee we would have lost one or two!). All the groups went to see things which appealed to their interests. The list chosen from included: The Met, Ground Zero, Empire State Building, Central Park, Times Square, Chinatown, Little Italy, Moma, Greenwich Village and much much more. All in all, it was definitely an experience!

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys! It's Emma (one of last year's participants). Great to see that you're enjoying your stay!
    But I have to say that I got soooo nostalgic reading your blog...
    I didn't realize how much I actually miss last summer until now :(

    So have another wonderful couple of weeks and make the most of every day, this is the summer of your lives ;)

    xoxo Emma
